Sunday, October 17, 2010

My dad

So this Wednesday, the 20th marks two years since my dads death. I must say I miss him a lot! My sister and I didn't speak at his funeral but there are things about my dad that will always stand out to me. He was a man who loved his wife. I could give him attitude any time of the day and he probably would have ignored me, but give my mom attitude and I got in so much trouble from him. I especially remember one christmas when I was in middle school that we really didn't have any money, but I desperately wanted these expensive shoes. Well one night my dad looked at me and said, "I promise those shoes will be there Christmas morning", and they were! I will never forget his sacrifies that he made for our family. I am so grateful to know that I will see him again some day! Here is link that I thought fitting - Youth Chapter Detail - Death, Physical


  1. I didn't realize your dad passed away two years ago. I'm sorry. It was neat to read your post about him, though. Good luck with the adoption process. You'll be a great mom when it happens for you!

  2. What a neat father Megan. I enjoyed your stories and thoughts. I'm so sorry about your loss but am glad you find comfort in the Gospel. I hope your memories bring you some comfort too!

  3. Thanks ladies! So nice to have such great friends!
